No animals were harmed in the making of this website. Well, okay, a few were harmed, like that wonderful veal steak that we had the other night; and of course that sheep Elsinore, but she knew the risks; other than that, no, not a single solitary little animal was harmed, basically. At least, not by much. Honest. Trust me.
Soundtrack album available on 5iveSouth Records and Tapes, a division of Your Mother Industries. Your mother's industrious. Hey!!!!
Any resemblance between any characters or places in this website and any real persons, places, or things, living or dead, is a dirty shame.
Copyright (c) 2004, Your Mother Industries. All rights reserved. This website is protected under the laws of the United States and other countries. Unauthorized duplication, distribution and exhibition may result in civil liability, criminal prosecution, and the WRATH of the Tall Man.
(heh heh... just kidding. Steal anything you want, what do I care?)
Elsinore the Sheep will return in "The Ewe Who Loved Me"
"Ask for Babs"